This is a page of A Small Collection of Antique Silver and Objects of vertu, a 1500 pages richly illustrated website offering all you need to know about antique silver, sterling silver, silverplate, sheffield plate, electroplate silver, silverware, flatware, tea services and tea complements, marks and hallmarks, silver marking system and silver hallmarks guide, articles, books, auction catalogs, famous silversmiths (Tiffany, Gorham, Jensen, Elkington, WMF, Reed & Barton, Mappin & Webb, Bateman Family), history, oddities ...
In Australia there never has been and still isn't any universal hallmarking system. Some of the states implemented their own systems around 1900 but these seemed to disappear from around 1940. Most Australian Silver will be marked STG SIL, S SIL, STG and STERLING SIL. Sometimes with a makers mark. The early silversmiths liked to copy English hallmarks but with their own twist. The lion passant is often used but in conjunction with sterling silver in some form. Also look for distinctly Australian motifs like a gum nuts, kangaroo, emu and koala.
click on yellow name for information and images
A into a circle ....................................... Allen Samuel Geoffrey
A.D, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Dick Alexander
A.DICK, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Dick Alexander
AK into an oval, STG SILVER ....................................... Kean Tony
ANGUS & COOTE LTD ....................................... Angus & Coote Ltd
APEX ............................. Rodd (Australia) Ltd
A.R, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Robertson Alexander
B&McD, pseudo English hallmarks ....................................... Brush & Macdonnell
BASSÉ ADELAIDE, pseudo English hallmarks ....................... Basse Frederick
BASSÉ STL SILVER ....................... Basse Frederick
BJ into a circle ............. unidentified
BOOMERANG PLATE .............................. Stokes & Son
BRADSHAW ................ Bradshaw
BRUGGEMANN BARRIER SILVER ....................... Bruggemnn HW
BRUNKHORST, pseudo English hallmarks ....................... Brunkhorst August L.
C.L. QUIST ....................................... Quist Christian Ludwig
CARIS, swan ..................... Caris Bros
CARL ZOELLER ..................... Carl Zoeller
CB, emu, kangaroo ....................................... Brentani Charles
CEF, various symbols ....................................... Firnhaber Charles Edward
C.G., W and various symbols ....................................... unidentified
CH, English pseudo hallmarks ................................. Hendrick Charles (possibly)
CHARLES BENNETT in script ....................................... Bennett Charles
CR into a heart .................. unidentified
D.B.S ....................................... Denis Bros
D.J.Ltd ......................... David Jones Ltd
DB in script, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Barclay David
DENIS BROS ........................ Denis Bros
DENIS BROS, STERLING ............ Denis Bros
DICK, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Dick Alexander
DOIG & HORN ..................... Doig & Horn
DRUMMOND ....................................... Drummond William
E.H. STG SILVER INVICTA ....................................... Harrop Edwin
EJ HOLLINGDALE in script ................... Hollingdale Edgar Joseph
EJ lowercase into a square ....................................... Carr Eric
EVAN JONES .................... Jones Evan
F&R ....................................... Fairfax & Roberts
FISCHER ....................................... Fischer Edward Francis Gunther
FL, pseudo English hallmarks ....................................... Lynn Felix
GEO H.HARMFIELD ....................................... Armfield George H.
GEORGIAN .............................. Stokes & Son
GOLDING, STG SILVER ....................................... Golding William
H.YOUNG &COMP ....................................... Young & Company
HACKER ....................................... Hacker Silver Plate Mfg Co
HAMMERTON ....................................... J.Hammerton & Son
HARDY into five squares ....................................... Hardy Bros Ltd
HARDY BROTHERS ....................................... Hardy Bros Ltd
HARRIS & SON, lion ....................................... Harris & Son
HB conjoined into a rectangle, crown ................. Hardy Bros Ltd
HBrs, crown, lion ....................................... Hardy Bros Ltd
HC, various symbols ....................................... Cohen Henry
HECWORTH .......................... Platers Pty Ltd
HECWORTH ...................... Rodd (Australia) Ltd
H.MEYER, star ...................... Meyer Johannes
HST, kangaroo, emu, pseudo English marks ................... Steiner Henry
IMPERIAL ....................................... Phoenix Manufacturing Company
J&H ....................................... unidentified
JAL ST SILVER ....................................... Linton Jamie
J. WA LK ER ..................... unidentified
J.H.P., lion ....................... Pace John Henry
J.M.W, English pseudo hallmarks .............................. Wendt Joachin Matthias
J.M.WENDT, English pseudo hallmarks ......................... Wendt Joachim Matthias
J.R, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Robertson James
JC, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Cohen Joel John
JJ, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Josephson Jacob
J.M. WENDT, ADELAIDE and English pseudo marks ....................... Wendt Joachim Matthias
JM DEMPSTER LTD ....................................... JM Dempster Ltd
JM, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... McLean John
JM, star ...................... Meyer Johannes
JS, snchor, kangoroo ....................................... Schomberg Julius
J S & S in a trefoil ....................................... J.W. Steeth and Son
K&Co, emu, kangaroo ....................................... Kilpatrick & Co
L&S ....................................... unidentified
L, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Lamb Richard
Lamb suspended to a ribbon 9nto a shield (figural) ........... Angus & Coote Ltd
LEWBERRY ....................................... Tilbury & Lewis
M, bird, cross ....................................... Mole Fredereick James
M.K, kangaroo, lion ....................................... M.Kendrick or Fidler & Kendrick
McBEAN ....................................... McBean James & Son
MM ....................................... Mather Margaret
NEWMAN, ST.SILVER ....................................... Newman Henry
PARAMOUNT PLATE ....................................... McDonald & Co
PARAMOUNT REPRODUCTION ........................ K.G. Luke
PEETZ ....................................... Peetz Boris
PERFECTION into a circle ....................................... Angus & Coote Ltd
PH 'animal''human head''emu' ....................................... unidentified
PP into a square ....................................... Angus & Coote Ltd
PROUD ....................................... Proud W.J.
PROUD'S, STERLING SILVER, 925 ....................................... Proud W.J.
RB, pseudo English hallmarks ....................................... Broad Robert
REGAL ....................................... Regal Silver Plate Co Ltd
R.E.F. and crossed hammers ....................................... unidentified
RODD ................. Rodd (Australia) Ltd
RUNDLE .................. Angus & Coote Ltd
S inside a star ....................................... Stokes
S&S, boomerang ................... Stokes
S.C, kangaroo ..................... Clayton Samuel
SARGISON ...................... Sargison Arold F.
SCANDIA ...................... Scandia
SCHAFER ...................... Schafer Edward
SD&Co ....................................... Stewart Dawson & Co
SHEFFIELD M& P CO LTD SYDNEY ............. Sheffield Manufacturing & Plating Co Ltd
SILCRAFT ........................ Silcraft Pty Ltd
SNOW ........................ Snow Bros - J.T. Snow
STEETH & SON ....................................... J.W. Steeth and Son
STEVENSON ....................................... Stevenson Walter Hunter
STEWART DAWSON & CO .............................. Stewart Dawson & Co
STOKES .............................. Stokes & Son
SUHARD & CO ........................ Suhard & Co
SUPERIOR PLATE ........................ Hacker Silver Plate Mfg Co
SUTTON ...................... Angus & Coote Ltd
T&L ....................................... Tilbury & Lewis
T&S ....................................... Taylor & Sharp
TW, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Willis Thomas
W into a chanfered square ....................................... Willis & Sons
W.BROS ....................................... Walsh
W.D. & Co .................. Drummond William
W.E, emu, kangaroo ....................................... Edwards William
W.GOLDING, STG SILVER ....................................... Golding William
W.J.S, elephant ....................................... Sanders W.J.
W.KERR ....................................... Kerr William
WALSH & SONs ....................................... Walsh
WENDT, English pseudo hallmarks .................. Wendt Joachin Matthias
WH, pseudo English hallmarks ....................................... Harley Walter
WINDSOR PLATE ....................................... McDonald & Co
WJMcD, anchor ....................................... MacDonnell W. & Co
Wm DRUMMOND & CO ....................................... Drummond William
WP, English pseudo hallmarks ....................................... Park William
Australia in the 19th century was made up of six separate
colonies, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia, South Australia
(including, at this time, also the Northern Territories).
In term of working silversmiths only three colonies supported any number of craftsmen, namely South Wales capital,
Sydney, Victoria, capital Melbourne and South Australia capital, Adelaide.
In the first half of the 19th century inhabitants of Australia were few tenths of thousands and pre 1850
Australian silver by comparison to colonial silver in general must be considered very rare.
Most working silversmiths with retail business carried imported silver or plated items as current stock and
locally produced items were manufactured only to fulfill immediate orders (as presentation trophies) when the
waiting time to order pieces from England was too long.
No form of official mark or date letter system was introduced into the hallmarking of Australian silver.
Early Australian silversmiths marked their objects with their full name or initials and imitations of English hallmarks as leopard's heads, lions and anchors.
In 1988 was formed the Gold and Silversmiths Guild of Australia. A voluntary system of marking was introduced (maker's mark, standard mark, guild mark and date letter).
work in progress on this page - your help, corrections and suggestions will be greatly appreciated