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This is a page of A Small Collection of Antique Silver and Objects of vertu, a 1000 pages richly illustrated website offering all you need to know about antique silver, sterling silver, silverplate, sheffield plate, electroplate silver, silverware, flatware, tea services and tea complements, marks and hallmarks, articles, books, auction catalogs, famous silversmiths (Tiffany, Gorham, Jensen, Elkington, WMF, Reed & Barton, Mappin & Webb, Bateman Family), history, oddities ...


Sir Edward Thomason (c.1769-1849) was a dominant and memorable figure in Birmingham industry.
He was the son of a bucklemaker and apprenticed in Matthew Boulton factory. In 1793 he set up a shop in the button trade, diversifying and expanding the business into gold, silver and medals. In 1806 he entered a hallmark in Birmingham Assay Office as Thomason & Co. In 1810 Thomason extended his factory starting the production of close plated knives, forks and spoons.
In 1817 Thomason entered into an agreement with James Mudie to strike a series of medals recording British victories over Napoleon; the dies were engraved by English and French artists, and the results were published by Mudie in An Historical and Critical Account of a Grand Series of National Medals (1820). Thomason subsequently purchased the dies.
In 1819 he began a series of forty-eight medals of the Elgin marbles in the British Museum, which was completed by 1823. In 1828 his workmen finished a series of sixteen medals on scientific subjects, and two years later sixty medals on biblical subjects. Developing his usual practice of presenting medals to important figures, he sent examples of the biblical series to all European monarchs, as well as to the president of the United States and the emperor of China.
In 1832 he was knighted by King William IV, the first Birmingham manufacturer to be so honoured.
In 1835 Thomason retired and his manufactory in Church Street was acquired by George Richmond Collis (under the style George Richmond Collis & Co.)
Collis & Co continued to produce a wide range of goods, described in an 1839 advertisement as "Articles in the highest classes of the arts, in Gold, Silver, Plated Bronze & Or-Molu....". and in an 1849 advertisement "Manufacturers of Gold and Silver Services of Every Descriptions, Platers by the new process of Electro Plate on fine German Silver &c....".
The firm exhibited his production in Birmingham (1849) and London (1851 and 1862) Exhibitions, moving c. 1868 to Cambridge Street, Birmingham.
The firm had London branch at 130 Regent Street and Langham Place, Regent Street (c.1847).
The premises in Regent Street were taken over in 1888 by John Bodman Carrington (Carrington & Co).
In the same year (31st December 1888) Collis & Co disappeared as a separate concern and was absorbed by S.W. Smith & Co

Thomason & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered in 1806 Thomason & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered in 1806
Edward Thomason, Birmingham Assay Office, mark c. 1817 - 1828 Edward Thomason, Birmingham Assay Office, mark c. 1817 - 1828
Edward Thomason, Birmingham Assay Office, 1824 mark entered 1820 Edward Thomason, Birmingham Assay Office, 1824 mark (entered 1820)
George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1835 George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1835<
George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1835 George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1835
George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1836 George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1836
George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1836 George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1836
George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1837 George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1837
George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1841 George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1841
George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1846 George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham Assay Office, mark entered 1846

G.R. Collis & Co: silverplate mark G.R. Collis & Co: silverplate mark
G.R. Collis & Co: silverplate mark G.R. Collis & Co: silverplate mark
G.R. Collis & Co: silverplate mark
G.R. Collis & Co: silverplate mark



from the Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue:
Among the large variety of objects in silver, manufactured and contributed by Mr. G.R. Collis, of Birmingham, are the CANDELABRUM and CENTRE-PIECE engraved on this page. Without any attempt of originality of idea, the arrangement of the scroll and foliate ornament in each is good and effective. In the lower object (centre-piece) we should have preferred to see a less massive introduction of the scroll-work, which would give it a greater degree of lightness. We notice, among the contributions of Mr. Collis, a solid silver table top, weighing nearly nine hundred ounces, for the Governor of Aleppo; and numerous other specimens of silver manufacture, many of which are deserving of illustration, had our space permitted.

Adie & Lovekin markAdie & Lovekin John Charle Angell & George Angell markAngell Family Asprey & Co markAsprey & Co Atkin Brothers markAtkin Brothers Barker Brothers markBarker Brothers E. Barnard & Sons markE.Barnard & Sons Hester Bateman markBateman Family Maurice Baum markM. Baum Gerald Benney markG. Benney Barnabus Blackburn markB.Blackburn Boardman, Glossop & Co Ltd markBoardman,Glossop & Co Matthew Boulton markM.Boulton Charles Boyton & Son markC.Boyton & Son Thomas Bradbury & Sons markT.Bradbury & Sons Alfred Browett trade markA.Browett Chawner & Co markChawner & Co Alexander Clark Manufacturing Co markA.Clark Manufacturing Co G.R. Collis & Co markG.R.Collis & Co Augustin Courtauld markCourtauld Family Daniel & Arter markDaniel & Arter go to James Deakin & Sons pageJ.Deakin & Sons Stuart Devlin markS.Devlin Deykin & Sons markDeykin & Sons James Dixon & Sons markJ.Dixon & Sons Dobson & Sons markDobson & Sons William Eley I and William Fearn markEley family Elkington hallmarkElkington & Co John Emes markEmes family Fattorini & Sons markFattorini & Sons Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox markFox family Garrard & Co Ltd markGarrard & Co Samuel Godbehere markS.Godbehere Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co markGoldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Henry Griffith  & Sons markH.Griffith & Sons John Grinsell & Sons markJ.Grinsell & Sons Hamilton & Inches markHamilton & Inches Hancock & Co markC.F.Hancock Harrison Brothers & Howson markHarrison Br. & Howson Hawksworth, Eyre & Co Ltd markHawksworth Eyre & Co Hayne & Cater markHayne & Cater Hennell family markHennell family Holland Aldwinckle & Slater markHolland Aldwinckle & Slater Horton & Allday markHorton & Allday Hukin & Heath Ltd markHukin & Heath William Hutton & Sons Ltd markW.Hutton & Sons George Jamieson markG.Jamieson Lambert & Co trade markLambert & Co Paul De Lamerie markP.deLamerie Latham & Morton markLatham & Morton Levi & Salaman markLevi & Salaman Lister & Sons markLister & Sons Charles Maas markC.Maas & Co Mappin & Webb markMappin & Webb Martin Hall & Co markMartin Hall & Co R.F. Mosley markR.F.Mosley Henry George Murphy markH.G.Murphy Pairpoint Brothers markPairpoint Brothers H.H. Plante markH.H.Plante Thomas Prime & Son markT.Prime & Son Robert Pringle & Sons markR.Pringle & Sons Omar Ramsden markO. Ramsden Reid & Sons markReid & Sons Richards & Brown markRichards & Brown Roberts & Belk markRoberts & Belk John Round & Son Ltd markJ.Round & Son Sampson Mordan & Co Ltd markSampson Mordan & Co Goldsmiths' Alliance Ltd  Ltd markA.B.Savory & Sons Sibray, Hall & Co markSibray, Hall & Co W & G Sissons markW & G Sissons Smily family markSmily Family Spurrier trade markSpurrier Paul Storr markP.Storr Tessiers Ltd trade markTessiers Ltd F.B. Thomas & Co markF.B.Thomas & Co George Unite & Sons markG.Unite & Sons C.J. Vander Ltd markC.J.Vander Wakely & Wheeler markWakely & Wheeler Walker & Hall markWalker & Hall D & J Wellby Ltd markD&J Wellby Ltd West & Son markWest & Son Henry Wilkison & Co markH.Wilkinson & Co Josiah Williams & Co markJ.Williams & Co Horace Woodward & Co Ltd markH.Woodward & Co
MARKS' IMAGES:    A&/AC    AD/AK    AL/AZ    B&/BB    BC/BO    BP/BZ    C&/CA    CB/CC    CD/CF    CG/CL    CM/CS    CT/CZ    D&/DB    DC/DL    DM/DZ    E&/EA    EB/ED    EE/EH    EI/EO    EP/EZ    F&/FD    FE/FJ    FK/FZ    G&/GB    GC/GG    GH/GL    GM/GR    GS/GZ    H&/H&    HA/HB    HC/HE    HF/HL    HM/HU    HV/HZ    I&/IG    IH/IL    IM/IZ    J&/JA    JB/JC    JD/JG    JH/JK    JL/JQ    JR/JR    JS/JS    JT/JZ    KA/KZ    L&/LB    LC/LZ    M&/MB    MC/MI    MJ/MZ    N&/NZ    OA/OZ    P&/PK    PL/PZ    QA/QZ    R&/RB    RC/RG    RH/RK    RL/RQ    RR/RZ    S&/SB    SC/SI    SJ/SR    SS/SZ    T&/TC    TD/TG    TH/TN    TO/TS    TT/TZ    UA/UZ    V&/VZ    W&/WA    WB/WB    WC/WC    WD/WE    WF/WG    WH/WL    WM/WM    WN/WR    WS/WS    WT/XZ    YA/YZ    ZA/ZZ   

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This is a page of 'The What is? Silver Dictionary' of A Small Collection of Antique Silver and Objects of vertu, a 1500 pages richly illustrated website offering all you need to know about antique silver, sterling silver, silverplate, Sheffield plate, electroplate silver, silverware, flatware, tea services and tea complements, marks and hallmarks, articles, books, auction catalogs, famous silversmiths (Tiffany, Gorham, Jensen, Elkington), history, oddities ...

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